A Single Leg Switched PWM Method for Three-phase H-Bridge Voltage Source Converters
Location: USA
Publication date: 2009-09-19
Published in: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition 2009, San Jose (USA) - ECCE 2009
ref. DOI: 10.1109/ECCE.2009.5316373

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Senturk, O.S. , Munk-Nielsen, S. , Teodorescu, R. , Helle, L.



This paper proposes a single leg switched or a hybrid PWM (HPWM) method for three-phasethree-level H-Bridge Voltage Source Converters (3L-HB-VSCs). By means of the proposed modulation, a 3L-HB-VSC can generate the same output as a three-level neutral point clamped (3L-NPC) VSC with phase disposition (PD) PWM provided that the outputs of 3L-HB-VSC are isolated by transformers or connected to open winding machines. Thus, the proposed method is called PD-HPWM. Moreover, it is emphasized that 3L-HB-VSC with HPWM utilizes its switchessimilar to 3L-NPC-VSC. Compared to 3L-NPC-VSCs, 3L-HB-VSCs (without neutral point clamping diodes) have simpler, more modular, and more reliable 2L circuit structure. Therefore, thismethod encourages the use of 3L-HB-VSCs in the applications utilizing transformers such as grid-side converters of multi-MW wind turbines. The proposed PWM method's performance is demonstrated by the simulations of a 6MW wind turbine's grid connection and experimentally verified via a small-scale prototype.


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