Analysis and design of virtual synchronous machine based STATCOM controller
Location: Santander, Spain
Publication date: 2014-06-22
Published in: Control and Modeling for Power Electronics 2014, Santander (Spain) - COMPEL 2014
ref. DOI: 10.1109/COMPEL.2014.6877134

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Chi Li , Burgos, R. , Cvetkovic, I. , Boroyevich, D. , Mili, L



This paper extends the virtual synchronous machine (VSM) concept, recently proposed as alternative means to synchronize grid-connected inverters, by developing a VSM-based STATCOM controller operating as synchronous condenser. To this end, a mathematical model is derived and used to analyze the inherent dynamics of the VSM-based STATCOM controller, which are then used to formulate design guidelines that further detach the proposed method from the perceived physical constraints introduced by the VSM concept.