Clustered PV Inverters in LV Networks: an Overview of Impacts and Comparison of Voltage Control Strategies
Location: Canada
Publication date: 2010-10-25
Published in: Electrical Power & Energy Conference 2009, Montreal (Canada) - EPEC 2009
ref. DOI: 10.1109/EPEC.2009.5420366

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Demirok, E., Sera, D. , Teodorescu, R. , Borup, U.



High penetration of photovoltaic (PVinverters in low voltage (LV) distribution networkchallenges the voltage stability due to interaction between multiple inverters and grid. As the main objective is to provide more power injection from VSC-based PV inverters, grid stability, reliability and power quality must be maintained or improved by adding cooperative controlfeatures to the grid-connected inverters. This paper first gives an overview of bilateral impactsbetween multiple distributed generations (DG) and grid. Regarding of these impacts, recent advances in static grid voltage support functionalities to increase penetration level are compared considering voltage rise limitation. Steady-state simulation study is realized in PSCAD/EMTDC and the results are discussed in terms of total generation efficiency.


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