Current control method for distributed generation power generation plants under grid fault conditions
Location: Australia
Publication date: 2011-11-10
Published in: Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 2011, Melbourne (Australia) - IECON 2011
ref. DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2011.6119490

Local members

Alvaro Luna

PhD. Senior Researcher.

Juan Ramon Hermoso

PhD. Senior Researcher. Administrative Manager.

External members

Etxeberria-Otadui, I. , Teodorecu, R. , Blaabjerg, F.



The operation of distributed power generation systems under grid fault conditions is a key issue for the massive integration of renewable energy systems. Several studies have been conducted to improve the response of such distributed generation systems under voltage dips. In spite of being less severe, unbalanced fault cause a great number of disconnections, as it may produce the injection of unbalanced currents that can easily conduct to the tripping of the converter. In this paper a current control strategy for power converters able to deal with these grid conditions, without exceeding the current ratings of the converter is introduced. Moreover, a novel flexible algorithm has been proposed in order to regulate easily the injection of positive and negative currents for general purpose applications.


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