Optimal Control of Active and Reactive Power in Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG)-based Wind Turbines without Flicker Emission
Location: Greece
Publication date: 2006-02-27
Published in: European Wind Energy Conference (EWEC-06)
ref. DOI: Not available

Local members

Alvaro Luna

PhD. Senior Researcher.

Jose Ignacio Candela

PhD. Senior Researcher. Project Responsible

External members

, Burgos, R.



Wind, the source of energy of wind turbines (WT), does not remain constant, which makes necessary the regulation of the WT rotational speed in order to achieve the maximum efficiency in the wind energy usagee. In doubly -fed induction generator (DFIG) based WT, a speed control loop is conventionally implemented in order to achieve an optimal active power generation.

In this work, the conventional speed control loop is extended further to effectively avoid flicker emission in the Point of Common Coupling (PCC), all the while increasing voltage and frequency stability when operating from weak grids.