Overview of Recent Grid Codes for Wind Power Integration
Location: Brasov, Romania
Publication date: 2010-07-15
Published in: Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment 2010, Brasov (Romania) - OPTIM 2010
ref. DOI: 10.1109/OPTIM.2010.5510521

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Altin, M. , Goksu, O. , Teodorescu, R. , Jensen, B.-B. , Helle, L.



As wind power penetration level increases, power system operators are challenged by the penetration impacts to maintain reliability and stability of power system. Therefore, grid codesare being published and continuously updated by transmission system operators of the countries. In this paper, recent grid codes, which are prepared specially for the large wind powerplants, are analyzed and compared. Also, harmonization of different grid codes in a common manner and future trends are assessed.



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