Partial Shadowing Detection Based on Equivalent Thermal Voltage Monitoring for PV Module Diagnostics
Location: Portugal
Publication date: 2010-02-17
Published in: Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 2009, Porto (Portugal) - IECON 2009
ref. DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2009.5415006

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External members

Sera, D. , Teodorescu, R.



Partial shadowing of photovoltaic systems can over-proportionally reduce the energy yield and lead to early ageing and failure of the shadowed cells. Large area shadows are relatively easy to detect due to the eminent power reduction and decrease of fill factor. However, small areapartial shadows in a larger system do not have a very obvious effect on the output power or fill factor of the PV array and can remain undetected, leading to failure. In this paper a method for detecting small area partial shadowsbased on equivalent thermal voltage, is presented. A simplified expression of the equivalent thermal voltage is proposed, which increases the robustness against measurement errors and model limitations at low irradiation conditions. Experimental results confirm the high sensitivity of the method even to a relatively small areashadow, while showing very good robustness against increase in series resistance.


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