Renewable Energy Operation and Conversion Schemes: a Summary of Discussions During the Seminar on Renewable Energy Systems
Location: Polonia
Publication date: 2010-03-25
Published in: IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, March 2010
ref. DOI: 10.1109/MIE.2010.935863

Local members

External members

Spagnuolo, G., Petrone, G., Vasconcelos, S., Carlo Cecati, A., Friis-Madsen, E., , Hissel, D., Jasinski, M., knapp, W., Liserre, M., Teodorescu, R., Zacharias, P.



A short summary of some speeches given during Seminar on Renewable Energy system (SERENE) is presented. The contributions have been mainly focused on power electronics for photovoltaic (PV) and sea wave energies, pointing out some aspects related to efficiency, reliability, and grid integration. Finally, main issues concerning fuel cell (FC) systems as generators based on hydrogen as a low environmental impact energy vector are presented.