Advanced structures for grid synchronization of power converters in distributed generation applications
Location: USA
Publication date: 2012-09-20
Published in: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition 2012, Raleigh (USA) - ECCE 2012
ref. DOI: 10.1109/ECCE.2012.6342381

Local members

Alvaro Luna

PhD. Senior Researcher.

Joan Rocabert

PhD. Senior Researcher

Jose Ignacio Candela

PhD. Senior Researcher. Project Responsible

External members

Teodorescu, R. , Blaabjerg, F.



The Transmission System Operators are specially concerned about the Low Voltage Ride Through requirements of distributed generation power plants. Solutions based on the installation of STATCOMs and DVRs, as well as on advanced control functionalities for the existing power converters have contributed to enhance their response under faulty and distorted scenarios, and hence to fulfill these requirements. In order to achieve satisfactory results it is necessary to count on accurate and fast grid voltage synchronization algorithms, which are able to work under unbalanced and distorted conditions. This paper analyzes and compares the synchronization capability of three advanced synchronization systems: the Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference Frame-Phase-Locked Loop, the Dual Second Order Generalized Integgrator- Phase-Locked Loop and the Three-Phase Enhanced Phase-Locked Loop, designed to work under such conditions. Its response will be analyzed with respect the synchronization needs that can be extracted from the standards.


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