Decentralized control of MTDC networks with energy storage and distributed generation
Location: Denver, CO
Publication date: 2013-09-15
Published in: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition 2013, Denver (USA) - ECCE 2013
ref. DOI: 10.1109/ECCE.2013.6647044

Local members

Alvaro Luna

PhD. Senior Researcher.

Jose Ignacio Candela

PhD. Senior Researcher. Project Responsible



Multi-terminal dc (MTDC) networks are drawing a lot of interest lately in applications related to distributed generation, especially in those that integrate energy storage. Several approaches for controlling the operation of such systems have been proposed in the literature; however the existing structures can be significantly enhanced. This paper proposes an improved primary control layer, based on droop and dc-bus signaling to serve as a base framework for implementing a hierarchical control structure in a MTDC system. As it will be further discussed in this work, five operating bands as well as various droop characteristics for different elements connected to the dc-bus were defined. For the energy storage the state of charge (SoC) was taken into account at the primary control level and it was included in the droop characteristic, creating a two variables droop surface. The proposed control strategy was validated through simulation and experimental results obtained from a case study that involves a micro dc network composed of a PV generator, a lead-acid battery and one connection point to the ac grid.


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