Presentation of the Vestas Power Program
Location: USA
Publication date: 2008-11-01
Published in: Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society 2008, Orlando (USA) - IECON 2008
ref. DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2008.4757916

Local members

External members

Teodorescu, R. , Kjaer, P.C.



All over the world, people must prepare to use new forms of energy. Total worldwide energy consumption in 2005 was 488 EJ (488 ExaJoules= 4.88·1020 J, or 135,555 TWh) with 86.5% derived from the combustion of fossil fuels [1]. This figure represents a dramatic growth of 63% in the global energy consumption respect to 1980. However, what must be even more alarming is that recent forecasts announced that world marketed energy demand is projected to increase by 50% in the next 25 years if current laws and policies remain unchanged, which would mean a energy consumption of 645 EJ in 2030 [2]. This continuous growth in energy consumption and the high dependence on fossil fuels makes necessary the use of new more sustainable forms of energy.


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