Overview of the Energy Storage Systems for Wind Power Integration Enhancement
Location: Italy
Publication date: 2010-11-15
Published in: IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2010, Bari (Italy) - ISIE 2010
ref. DOI: 10.1109/ISIE.2010.5638061

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External members

Swierczynski, M. , Teodorescu, R. , Rasmunssen, C. N. , Vikelgaard, H..



As the installed worldwide wind energy capacity increases about 30% annually and Kyoto protocol that came in force in 2005, wind penetration level in power system is considered to significantly increase in near future. Due to increased penetration and nature of the wind, especially its intermittency, partly unpredictability and variability, wind power can put the operation of power system into risk. This can lead to problems with grid stability, reliability and the energy quality.


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