Study of a Simplified Model for DFIG-Based Wind Turbines
Location: USA
Publication date: 2009-09-19
Published in: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition 2009, San Jose (USA) - ECCE 2009
ref. DOI: 10.1109/ECCE.2009.5316300

Local members

Alvaro Luna

PhD. Senior Researcher.

External members

Lima, F.K.A. , Watanabe, E.H. , Aredes, M.



In the study of the dynamical behavior of doublyfed induction generators (DFIG), for wind power applications, the use of reduced order models is useful in order to design specific control strategies for wind power plants as well as to obtain lightweight computing simulations. Within this field this paper presents a new dynamic model for wind turbinesbased on DFIG, able of representing accurately its behavior during both the steady state and the transient of the grid voltage. As it will be proven this model permits to perform an accurate analysis of the system when there is a voltage dip in the grid. In the following a theoretical study of this model will be carried out and the accuracy of its performance will be tested under different conditions, by means of PSCAD/EMTDC simulations, in order to show its reliability. Finally the reliability of thesimplified model will be tested in a scaled experimental setup.


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