Study on harmonic resonances and damping in wind power plant
Location: Malaysia
Publication date: 2012-06-14
Published in: International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced System 2012, Kuala Lampur (Malaysia) - ICIAS 2012
ref. DOI: 10.1109/ICIAS.2012.6306230

Local members

Alvaro Luna

PhD. Senior Researcher.

Jose Ignacio Candela

PhD. Senior Researcher. Project Responsible

Khairul Nisak

Junior Researcher

External members

Rauma, K.



Harmonic resonance is among imperative aspect need to be analyzed in a wind power plant (WPP). It becomes complex since it involves a large network with high operating power. This paper presents a study on harmonic resonances in a WPP, particularly on parallel resonance. Important factors including length of cable, number of operating wind turbine and usage of output grid-side filter are analyzed. The damping of resonance by using common passive filter and an alternative hybrid filter is also explored. An aggregated WPP model of 400 MW with 40 wind turbines of 10 MW each are used as a study case.


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